
Watershed Dynamics

Watershed Dynamics – Tia Myers

2018 Mini-Grant Recipient

The Warm Springs Intermediate School had 150 4th graders participate in a Watershed Initiative with the local Potomac Valley Audubon Society (PVAS). The interactive classroom program provided 10 hours of hands-on instruction through several sessions over the course of the semester. The PVAS supplied training coaches and enough water-testing materials for every child to use.

Students learned about watersheds, water cycle and rain, erosion, water quality issues, water density, surface tension, acidic, basic and neutral aspects of water plus food chain/food web dynamics. The project made students aware of their impact on their own watershed and how they can protect it.​

Every student participated in the interactive classroom lessons, although a few students were unable to make the trip to Stauffer’s Marsh. Three school busses were needed for the field trip.