The Community We Built

The Community We Built – Jennifer Fox

2018 Mini-Grant Recipient

This project integrated art, social studies, and language arts for the entire third grade. Students learned how different civilizations have used pottery to tell a story about themselves or something relevant in their life.

Students explored these ideas through children’s literature and learned about evolution of pottery in different cultures around the world as part of the social studies curriculum.

Students created a plate in art class that included a message through art and pictures about something important to them and/or their community.

Students showcased what they learned at a special event in December. Parents and the community were invited into the school to see a special production by third grade students, including students’ mugs on display.

Community is a huge part of the social studies curriculum, and students learned they are a fundamental part of our community. Some plates were displayed at our community Ice House (arts theater), and some mugs became part of the serving dishes in our local soup kitchen.

Some of the plates were taken home or given to someone less fortunate with a small gift in it for the Christmas season. Students learned about hope, hard work, and humility in Positive Actions education about character.