Support health and growth through education and good choice.
WELLNESS is the reality of less need for treatments.
Public health experts regard most health care cost to be from preventable chronic disorders. These disorders have immune-inflammatory processes made worse by unhealthy food habits. Recognizing and changing personal food habits and health beliefs is often easier when friends and neighbors form a learning community that discusses and shares ideas about positive information and actions that work.
Personal beliefs drive personal actions – and new ideas can alter beliefs.
- Personal actions you can take: GO>
- Learn Omega 3-6 Balance Scores: GO>
- Balancing omega fats has health consequences.
- Recipe Repairs can change your food choices to give an anti-inflammatory diet.
- Learn to make your own personal anti-inflammatory diet.
Burn extra food energy with exercise. For a person weighing 130 pounds, watching TV burns only 100 calories/hr, walking 3 miles/hour burns 330 calories/hr, while aerobic dancing can burn 400 to 900 calories/hr. Move more! Try to burn all the calories you eat each day. Use the METs Calculator: https://metscalculator.com

Do Elementary Kids Like to Eat Healthy?
1:16 minutes – Watch on You Tube

Omega 3 Foods Taste Test
3:10 minutes – Watch on You Tube

Good Fats Bad Fats
1:42 minutes – Watch on Google Drive

STEM – Thinking Out of the Box
45 Seconds – Watch on YouTube

Omega 3 Seafood at Pleasant View Elementary
4:27 Minutes – Watch on YouTube

Bill Lands – Nutrition Research
25:13 minutes – Watch on YouTube

Matthew Hahn – Medical Doctor
25:01 minutes – Watch on YouTube

Trail Riding at Cacapon State Park
4:18 minutes – Watch on YouTube

Aerobic Dancing with the Shimmy Mob & Angela Petrie
6:10 minutes – Watch on YouTube

Morgan County WV Wellness Project
Morgan County West Virginia Schools staff tell how informed food choices might reduce healthcare claim costs. It may save West Virginia taxpayers over $100 million dollars every year. The 2-month project was done in 2011.
4:29 minutes – Watch on YouTube
Company Wellness – A 16:17 min.video on saving money for employees and employers
Out of Balance– A 15:48 min. video of experts discussing omega-3 benefits.
Four light-hearted wellness videos for families to learn Nix6 and Eat3.
NIX the 6 – A 2:02 min. video introducing omega-6 and inflammation. Nix six is the mantra of the McDaniel family members who give an analogy/metaphor about different actions of omega-3 and omega-6 nutrients that affect our health. The 2:02min. video was part of a Morgan County Wellness Project.
Simple Health Plan – A 1:50 min. video on Omega 3-6 Balance. The 2-minute video won an award in “Foods that Prevent Problems” category at the 2010 Morgan County Fair.
Sardine Man – A 1:39 min. video about parents and kids eating sardines. Sometimes children are more open-minded than adults. This 1.5 minute video was the beginning of the Sardine Club at the Morgan County West Virginia Schools.
Sardines – A 3:01 min. video celebrating Morgan County Sardine Club goals and actions. Mike Kligerman celebrates the Morgan County Sardine Club that brings more Omega-3 into the lives of Morgan County families.
National Library of Medicine [PubMed] searches topics in 33 million biomedical reports!
Use the Search feature and type Omega-3 or Recipe Repair for valuable nutrition articles.